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Latest news & appeals
Vacancy: Community Gardener
We are looking for a gardener for our community. We hope to find someone who wants to practice and develop biodynamic gardening and wants to live and work as a member...
The Conference at Sturts Farm in Dorset
Well on Monday 9th September 2024 Then we got to the House, it was a Mansion, and I had a room downstairs, Eddie Emptied out the Buses, and eventually we went off to...
Love, and be silent – Eurythmy India
Scenes from Shakespeare’s King Lear Eurythmy India proudly present a unique chance to experience the combined arts of eurythmy and theatre in this production of scenes...
The Bakers Return
The EVCC bakers are excited to share the news that work has begun to reopen the Botton Bakery. It’s a huge space, built when there were many more mouths to feed and...
Shared Lives
In Shared Lives an adult who needs support and accommodation moves in with an approved Shared Lives carer, after they have been matched for compatibility. Together they share family and community life.