New property appeal

The last three years have been a time of pioneering for our community. We wouldn’t have been able to get this far without the support of our friends.

Together with our partners in Whitby, we continue to run the Breaking Bread Bakery. Thanks to our supporters, this operation is now expanding and is able to produce more artisan bread for customers in Danby Dale and beyond.

Our community garden is in its second year and the abundant harvest means we can now offer a vegetable box scheme to the wider community.

Homefield house in Ainthorpe provides a home for three Shared Lives residents and a co-worker family, and is our first Camphill home situated outside Botton Village.

None of these achievements would have been possible without the support of our friends and we are deeply grateful.

We are now ready for our next phase of development.


We are looking to purchase a property that will allow us to establish a home for new Shared Lives residents. We also plan to expand and diversify our land and social enterprises so that we can offer new work opportunities. We are particularly interested in starting a small community farm, a woodwork shop and a community cafe.

Properties that would serve this vision don’t come up very often and in the current climate, with lots of people wanting to leave the cities, they sell very quickly

We are asking for help so that we can be ready when the right property comes on the market.

To help us offer new Shared Life and work opportunities, please donate today.

Thank you