Volunteer FAQ
What experience do I need?
None. Volunteers need no experience of working with adults with additional needs. Just bring an open mind and a willingness to get involved and to take responsibility in the house and at work. We like you to be with us for a year to experience the cycle of the seasons and festivals.
Those wishing to make a long-term (more than one year) commitment to our community should ideally have experience with us or other Camphill communities.
What work will I do?
Volunteers live together with adults with special needs to create an inclusive community to build social skills and to create an enriching environment. Volunteers will be expected to take part in the home life and in activities – not as carers, but as a member of our community.
What about pay?
As a volunteer you will not be paid for your work, but all food and accommodation is provided for you. We reimburse your expenses up to 130 pounds per month.
Please note that we do not reimburse your travel costs either to or from our community nor your visa costs. We do reimburse your Health care surcharge.
What about insurance and medical cover?
During your stay with us as a volunteer, you are eligible for free medical care under the UK National Health Service (NHS). We will accompany you to the local NHS surgery in Danby during your first days here, where they will help you complete the necessary registration documents. Please note, however, that guests are not eligible for free NHS dental or optical treatment so you are advised to have any treatment you need done in your own country before arrival, otherwise you will have to pay for such appointments yourself.
Your personal possessions will be covered by our insurance policy to a limited extent.
Where will I live?
Those who join us have a room of their own in one of the houses and live as members of the household. Our houses are comfortable with modern conveniences. Mealtimes are shared with everyone in the house as is the rest of your home life.
What if I have problems?
New volunteers have an experienced co-worker as a community friend, to whom they may turn with any problems or questions.
After three months with us a meeting with your friend and those responsible for your household and work tutor will discuss how you have settled-in and see if any changes are needed.
Habitual use of alcohol or drugs is not in harmony with our shared community life.
Do I need to speak English well?
You need to be able to communicate well with everyone in our community, so you must be able to speak English reasonably well on arrival.
Must I be a practising Christian?
No. We live our lives according to Christian principles and welcome those of any persuasion who respect this aspect of our community life.
Do I need a visa?
Anybody from outside the UK needs a visa to volunteer with us. Once we have completed your application, we will allocate you a Certificate of Sponsorship with which you can apply for a visa.