Sharing our Lives conference
In February, Esk Valley Camphill Community hosted an inclusive conference for life sharing communities in the English region. This involved around 30 community members from Sturts Farm, The Mount, Gannicox, as well as several other small life sharing initiatives.
Attendees arrived on Saturday evening, to open the conference with a bible evening. Over the next three days the programme involved a Leading Thought for each day. These were based around different perspectives on community. We were then split into three groups for creative activities. In the afternoon we split into small conversation groups for free discussion around the leading thought of the day, life sharing, and community life in general. We then came together to feed back to the whole group to close each day. These discussions were very fruitful and by the end there was a clear desire to keep the initiative going and meet again in the coming years.
Throughout the four days there was also games, eurythmy, singing and shared meals within our Esk Valley Camphill households. This conference was intentionally started as a small and intimate event, in the hope that it may grow in the next years.
Tom Burkin