Help our community grow

If you would like to make a donation to us to help to grow and develop as a community, you can do so in the following ways:

Simply fill out our online donation form:

Make an online BACS payment:
Camphill Shared Lives Communities Ltd.
Triodos Bank
Account no 20673663
sort code 16-58-10

Send a cheque:
Please make this payable to Camphill Shared Lives Communities Ltd.
Cheques can be sent to:
Stormy Hall, Danby Head, Danby, North Yorkshire, YO21 2NN

To make an international transfer to our Triodos sterling account

see details here 

You will need to supply the information below to the sending bank:Beneficiary Account Name: Triodos Bank
Beneficiary address: Triodos Bank, Deanery Road Bristol BS1 5AS

Bank Name:
National Westminster Bank Plc
Bank Address:
250 Bishopsgate
Sort Code: 60-00-04     Swift/BIC: NWBKGB2LGPL
IBAN: GB98NWBK60000410018573
Reference: 20673663
Please ensure you provide all of the above details, especially the reference or the deposit may not reach our Triodos account.


Legacies or Trusts

If you would like to support us by setting up a legacy or adding Esk Valley Camphill to your will, we should consider this a great honour. Please contact us by emailing

Camphill Shared Lives Communities Limited is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Act 2014 as a Community Benefit Society registration no. 7279 and under the Finance Act 2010 as a charity for tax purposes ref. EW41352

Gift Aid

Your donation is very much appreciated. If you’re a UK taxpayer and you sign up to Gift Aid, we can claim an extra 25% from HMRC without it costing you anything more, just download your form.